Research Overview
My research advances the sociology of race and ethnicity, sociology of gender, and the sociology of religion by interrogating intersections of race, gender, and religion in different institutions, such as higher education, religious organizations, and in areas of science and medicine. My ongoing projects include examining diversity in higher education and the experiences of social media influencers. I am a skilled quantitative and qualitative researcher and believe different methodologies provide us with different insights about the social world. My quantitative research utilizes various models, such as OLS, generalized linear models, and multilevel models. I have also conducted over one hundred interviews and analyzed over three hundred interviews on various sole and collaborative research projects.
For more on my current projects, see here.
Journal for Scientific Study of Religion 62(1): 164-183.
Public Understandings of Science 31(4):376-393.
Public Understandings of Science 27(8):967-984.
Journal of Religion and Health 57(6):2230–2240.
Reproductive BioMedicine Online 35(6):669-677.
Sociological Forum 32(2):277-297.
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55(1):54-69.
Review of Religious Research 57(3):435-452.
Review of Religious Research 57(1):131-148.
Sociology of Religion 74 (3):370-391.