Diversity and Higher Education
Photo: Princeton University Chapel
I have several ongoing research projects that utilizing qualitative and quantitative methods to examine issues of diversity in non-sectarian and religious higher education.
My book project, based on my dissertation research, examines the perceptions and experiences of diversity among students in diversity leadership, Asian Americans, and LGBTQ+ students. Broadly, I argue that both religious and secular universities create inequality along multiple social lines, but that this manifested in different ways on these college campuses.
I also have ongoing research examining race on evangelical Christian colleges using survey data. These papers examine the role of colorblindness and racial reconciliation in creating racial inequality.
I have published in Ethnic and Racial Studies and Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion from these ongoing projects.
Gender, Race, & Inequality in Institutions
Photo: Cambridge University
My ongoing and previous research also emphasize issues of racial and gender inequality in various institutions. Current projects, utilizing quantitative methods and various data sets, examines trust in institutions among Hispanics; perceptions of gender inequality in academic STEM; the role of religiosity on shaping views of women’s leadership in business and politics; experiences of depression among church-going women of color; and perceptions of mental health among racially diverse religious leaders.
Previous research in these areas were published in Review of Religious Research, Sociology of Religion, Journal of Religion and Health, Reproductive BioMedicine Online, and Sociological Forum.
Social Media Influencers
Collaborating with Di Di, Assistant Professor of Sociology, at Santa Clara University, we are currently conducting an interview study on the experiences of social media influencers who primarily post content related to spirituality, religion, humanism, and atheism.
This study is generously funded by Queen’s University Belfast and Santa Clara University.
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